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File Juicer 4.60 Extract images, video, or sound from files and folders

File Juicer 4.60 Extract images, video, or sound from files and folders

is a drag-and-drop can opener and data archaeologist. Its specialty is to find and extract images, video, audio or text from files which are hard to open in other ways. It finds and extracts: JPEG, JP2, PNG, GIF, PDF, BMP, WMF, EMF, PICT, TIFF, Flash, ZIP, HTML, WAV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MPG, MP3, AIFF, AU, WMV, or text from files which contain data in those formats. Lossless extraction File Juicer doest convert the images/sounds/videos it finds, but saves them unchanged in their original format if possible. See the manual for details. This is useful: When you have extracted some files for instance from an accidentally erased flash card, you can then check that they are intact with QuickTime Player or convert them with other applications. For images, checking validity is done by letting File Juicer generate icons for the files. Then the files with icons are the ones which are intact. File Juicer has Automator support so you can save just the settings you need and use them directly from Finder. Version 4.60:

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