How to Stop Auto-Playing Music in Car Bluetooth from iPhone
How to Stop Auto-Playing Music in Car Bluetooth from iPhone
Many newer cars have Bluetooth stereo systems that sync wirelessly with an iPhone. One common and prominent feature of this experience is that music will automatically start playing from the iPhone through the Bluetooth speakers when you get into the car, sometimes autoplaying from a local music library or sometimes from a streamed music service. If you dont want your music to start playing automatically from iPhone over a Bluetooth car stereo every time you get into the car, read on to learn how you can try to stop it. Be aware there is currently no perfect solution to this. The good news is you can use a few workarounds for stopping auto-playing music over Bluetooth from iPhone to a car stereo.
The bad news is there is no single setting on the iPhone to stop auto-playing music over Bluetooth, and so youll have to use some variation of a workaround described below. Were going to share a variety of tips for silencing and stopping music autoplaying from an iPhone over Bluetooth. In no particular order: One fairly lame solution is to simply turn the car stereo down all the way to nothing before you turn off the engine, that way the music will still automatically play but you wont hear it as it autoplays over the car stereo from iPhone over Bluetooth. Yea, turning the car audio to zero is an admittedly lame solution, but if the options below dont work for you then you can give it a try to see if that works for you. Some car stereos may have a sound or audio setting somewhere that allows you to turn off the auto-play music feature from the car stereo side of things. Each car stereo is different and so youll have to explore the options yourself to see if such a setting exists on your Bluetooth equipped car.
Look in the car stereo Bluetooth settings, audio settings, sound settings, stereo settings, or any other settings in the car dashboard that may associate with Bluetooth auto-play audio, autoplaying music, or something similar good luck! If the music auto-playing is coming from a music app on the iPhone, you can try force quitting it every time you get into the car. , just double-tap the Home button and then swipe up on the app that is playing music.
This works well with third party apps like Spotify or Pandora, but is not always reliable with silencing the built-in Music app for whatever reason. If the music app that is auto-playing is streaming over a cellular connection, you can disable that apps ability to use cellular data to prevent it from streaming any music and thus disable auto-play of music from that app. Go to the Settings app and then to Cellular and scroll down until you find the app(s) in question that are auto-playing music in the car from your iPhone. Turn the switch to the OFF position to stop them from using cellular data. This works to stop music auto-play streaming from Apple Music and the Music app. But keep in mind this also prevents the app in question from using any cellular data or streaming at all. Thus it may not be workable for all users.
You can also target Music app cellular functionality through Settings > Music > Cellular Data and turning that off, and turning Downloads off too if you find songs are constantly downloading and streaming on the iPhone. The iPhone will auto-play music over Bluetooth to the car stereo from a local Music library in alphabetical order. So if youre tired of hearing the same song auto-play over and over again, you can delete the top most song in alphabetical order. Of course this just means the next song will auto-play instead, unless you delete that one too. by song or album. Alternatively you can go all the way and too.
Note that if you delete all music from the iPhone you may still have to so that it stops downloading and streaming itself. Personally, I deleted all music from the Music app library on my iPhone by deleting all purchased albums and found that to be the most reliable solution for stopping auto-play music on a car stereo from the Music app. Obviously this isnt a reasonable solution if you want to have any music in your iPhone library, but it is effective. If you dont use the music app anyway, you can just delete it and from your iPhone in a few seconds. Yes, you can even like Music. To remove the default Music app, just tap and hold on the Music icon, then tap the (X) button and confirm you want to delete the app from the device. Of course you can also delete any other music app or streaming music app if you find that to be auto-playing music too. Another option is to summon Siri in the car and tell Siri to stop playing music.
This requires you interacting with Siri every time you start the car. The downside to this approach is that some auto-playing songs may take a minute or few to download and start auto-playing and streaming, so you cant just tell Siri right away to stop. You have to wait until the music is playing to tell Siri to stop playing music. Do you know of another way to stop music auto-playing from iPhone to a car stereo over Bluetooth? Let us know, share your tips, strategies, and tricks to stop autoplay music in the comments below!
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