iPhone Voicemail Wont Play? Heres How to Fix That
iPhone Voicemail Wont Play? Heres How to Fix That
The iPhone Visual Voicemail feature gathers voicemails as audio files on the iphone, found within the Voicemail tab of the Phone app. When you want to play a voicemail, you simply tap on one of the voicemail messages in Phone app and it should play the voicemail audio as expected. Should is the operative word here because sometimes the iPhone wont play voicemail. If you find yourself in a situation where voicemail wont play on an iPhone or voicemail is not working as expected, try these troubleshooting tips to remedy the problem.
Most iPhone carriers support visual voicemail but not all do. This may seem obvious, but are you certain your iPhone cellular provider supports the visual voicemail feature? Not all cellular carriers support the feature, and if you arent certain then you should contact your mobile phone company to check with them. One fairly common scenario where an iPhone seemingly wont play voicemail all of a sudden is when an iPhone user switches cellular providers from one mobile company to another, and the new company doesnt support visual voicemail. Ive seen this happen when a user has switched from AT to Straight Talk in the USA, for example, but it could happen when switching away from Verizon or T-Mobile, or any global cellular provider as well.
You will need to check with your mobile service company if you are not certain. Here are a handful of tips to troubleshoot voicemail issues with iPhone. Does your iPhone have cellular service? Is the cellular reception sufficient to be able to make and receive calls and transmit data? If an iPhone has very low coverage or spotty coverage or is out of a coverage area entirely with a no service indicator, you will typically not receive voicemails. Or, if you get a notification for a voicemail it may not play because visual voicemail can not access the voicemail through the limited service. Similarly, limited service will prevent from appearing too. In this situation, youll just need to wait until you get to a better cellular coverage area or a better signal.
Often just rebooting the iPhone is enough to fix an issue where voicemail wont play. This is simple and only take a minute or so: That performs a forced reboot, but you can also turn the device off and on too. The iPhone will reboot, when finished try accessing voicemail again. This often works, can fix all sorts of peculiar issues particularly if they crop up seemingly out of nowhere. Another possibility is that the voicemail password was changed, or you need to re-enter it again. You can confirm and change your iPhone Voicemail password through the Settings apps Phone section. Sometimes the cellular carrier pushes an update specific to their cellular service, and this may impact or remedy an issue with voicemail on the iPhone. You can through the Settings app > General > About > and one will appear if an update is available to install.
Resetting Network Settings can often remedy peculiar network issues including some issues with visual voicemail. This has the downside of dropping remembered wi-fi routers and other custom network settings like DHCP and DNS, so youll need to enter wireless passwords again and make other network customizations if applicable to your iPhone. After the iPhone reboots, head back to the Phone Voicemail section and see if it works again. Resetting network settings often resolves a problem where you see an alert saying despite having cellular coverage. Sometimes an iPhone voicemail wont play directly from the Phone app for some mysterious reason, but if you can to the Voice Memos app or Notes app then it will play within there.
Nothing working to get voicemail working? Try calling voicemail directly from your iPhone. Usually you can call voicemail by dialing your own phone number from your iPhone. Then you typically have to enter your pin/password to get access to the voicemail inbox. This is often necessary for carriers that do not support visual voicemail anyway, and many of those cellular providers dont alert you to a new voicemail either so making a habit of calling voicemail to check can be necessary. If you cant access your voicemail after calling your own voicemail inbox, its probably time to contact your mobile provider and have them fix an issue, or to find out if the voicemail box was disabled or there is some other problem with the cellular service or account. Did this help you to get voicemail playing on the iPhone again? Do you know of any other tips or tricks to get voicemail working on the iPhone again? Let us know in the comments!
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