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Use Paste and Go to Expedite Safari Web Browsing on Mac

Use Paste and Go to Expedite Safari Web Browsing on Mac

Safari for Mac has a nice little known feature that allows you to expedite the process of visiting websites based on a URL stored in your clipboard. This simple trick is called Paste and Go and youll only find it available under the proper conditions, including having a website link in the Macs clipboard and if youre in the URL field and using an alternate click. But despite being hidden, its simple to use and works great. For example, lets say you have http://osxdaily.com stored in your clipboard from that URL from anywhere be it a document, somewhere on the web, a message, or anywhere else. You can use the Paste and Go trick to immediately load that website in Safari with a single paste action, rather than pasting the URL into the address bar and then hitting the Return key to load the webpage. It basically removes a bit of friction by reducing a step in the process, speeding up your browsing habits with Safari on the Mac a bit. Be aware youll need a modern version of Mac OS or Mac OS X with a modern version of Safari, older versions will not have this capability. Assuming you stay up to date with system software, heres how this works on the Mac: Thats it, nice and quick! You have effectively removed a step of pasting the URL and then hitting the Return/Enter key to proceed, both actions are completed at the same time automatically with Paste and Go. Note the Paste and Go function will not be there if a URL is not currently copied into the clipboard of the Mac. Thus you must copy a URL to your clipboard before this will work in Safari. You can speed this up even more if youre familiar with keyboard shortcuts by hitting Command+L in Safari to choose the URL bar, and you could even yourself for Paste and Go if youre interested in having it as a keystroke function. A similar Paste and Go trick exists in modern releases of iOS too, so if you enjoy this on the Mac and you have an iPhone or iPad youll find usage of the same technique over there too. And in case you were wondering, yes this does work with too.

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