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How to Disable Handoff on Mac OS

How to Disable Handoff on Mac OS

Not every Mac user will or want to keep it enabled, particularly if you share a Mac with a single login with other devices in the same household, then you may find Handoff to be unnecessary or unwanted as the little Handoff app resume icon appears in the Dock. Modern versions of Mac OS default to having Handoff enabled as part of the iCloud and Continuity suite, but if youre not interested in using Handoff or dont want it on for some other reason, then you will find its very easy to disable Handoff on the Mac.

When you disable Handoff on Mac OS, you will no longer see any Handoff icons showing up in the far left side of the Dock when other iCloud devices have app sessions to resume or send to the Mac. Additionally, turning off Handoff on the Mac will lose a few other Continuity features too, but if youre not using them then you likely wont miss that.

Thats it, there is no need to disable Handoff on other iOS devices or Macs if you simply dont want them sharing Handoff app sessions with that particular Mac, though if you want to stop the feature completely then youd want to repeat the disable process on other devices too.

While Handoff is excellent in that it lets users transfer and resume sessions within applications between one Mac and other Macs or iOS devices connected through iCloud, if you dont use it then you might just want to disable the feature. Its also really easy to turn back on again, so if you change your mind you can simply reverse the setting and as you normally would.

Keep in mind that by disabling Handoff you will also lose access to and obviously the ability to as well. If youre simply disabling Handoff because you arent sure how to use it with your Mac and another Mac, iPhone, or iPad, you might want to take the time to , you will find that its a great feature that can get a lot of usage, making transitions between working on an iPhone and iPad devices and a Mac much more seamless.

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