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How to Identify a Song Playing on a Mac with Siri

How to Identify a Song Playing on a Mac with Siri

Have you ever been watching a movie or video, or maybe youre in a coffee shop or restaurant, and you hear a song or some music that you want to identify? If youre on your Mac, your computer can recognize what songs are playing by using Siri.

This is essentially the feature that also works to identify , but its on the Mac, and allows for identifying songs playing from the same hardware.

This obviously requires a Mac with a modern Mac OS release with Siri support as well as a microphone, so if you dont have Siri on the Mac you wont have this capability on your computer. And yes, the internal microphone works fine for picking up songs that are playing out of the computers own built-in speakers.

This works great to identify songs or music when watching a show or movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime, or even something you hear in a YouTube video, elsewhere on the web, or on Facebook or Instagram.

That iTunes automatically opens after Siri has identified a song is a little strange and annoying, but there does not appear to be a way to disable that from happening so youll either have to quit iTunes or just ignore it. Oh and by the way, if you have Windows 10 on a PC, Mac, or Virtual Machine, and have Cortana, Cortana can also identify music playing too on request.

 Or you can pickup and . This is just one of may abilities available with Siri, and the too, there is some overlap between the two but because Mac OS and iOS are different each has unique Siri functions available to their respective host operating systems too.

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