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How to Reinstall Default Apps Deleted from iPhone or iPad

How to Reinstall Default Apps Deleted from iPhone or iPad

Now that iPhone and iPad users can , you may find it important to know how to re-download those stock apps to reinstall them back onto your iOS device. This is possible with any of the default apps bundle with iOS that can be deleted and then restored, including Calendar, Calculator, Compass, Contacts, FaceTime, Find My Friends, Home, iBooks, iCloud Drive / Files, iTunes Store, Podcasts, Mail, Maps, Music, News, Notes, Podcasts, Reminders, Stocks, Tips, TV / Videos, Voice Memos, Weather, and Watch. Restoring deleted default apps is done largely the same way you would on an iPhone or iPad, achieved entirely through the App Store of iOS. If youve never gone through this process before it may sound intimidating, but once you run through the steps yourself youll find its quite simple. If you want to try this out yourself, delete any default preinstalled app from your iPhone or iPad, like the Weather app or Music app for example. A full list of default apps that can be deleted and restored is further below if you want shortcuts to the apps. Whether the default apps were deleted intentionally or accidentally does not matter, they can be restored to the iOS device the same way: The reinstalled default apps will appear on the device Home Screen as usual. For example, here the Music app was reinstalled by redownloading it from the App Store again: As you can see is done the same way you , but the capability to remove the default bundled apps on iOS devices is rather new. You can also follow direct App Store links to the iOS default apps if you dont want to bother with the Search function in the App Store of the device. Regardless of how you get to the default app, re-downloading it and restoring it to the device is the same. These URLs point directly to the App Store entries for the default stock apps in iOS that can be deleted and thus restored by re-downloading again. Whether or not you want to delete and then reinstall default apps is entirely up to you and how you use your iPhone or iPad. For example, maybe you want to delete the Music app to stop the annoying auto-playing car Bluetooth audio iPhone thing, or maybe because youd prefer to use an alternative music service like Spotify. There are a few apps you can not re-download and reinstall, because they can not be deleted in the first place. That includes default apps like Settings, App Store, and Safari.

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