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What to do if you spill liquids on your Mac

What to do if you spill liquids on your Mac

Its happened to the best of us. The glass of water or a cup of coffee security sitting beside our laptop is knocked over and the contents goes everywhere. If you are really unlucky that may be the end of the road for your Mac. But if you are prepared and know what to do to minimise the damage, you might manage to avoid the death of your Mac. Your chance of success depends greatly on the liquid spilled. A glass of water and you might be lucky. If it was a glass or baileys youd probably be better off downing the bottle. Its important that you stop anything worse than spilling your drink on your laptop from happening. Make sure that you arent about to burn the house down. Stop the spillage and disconnect the laptop from power carefully. You dont want to get an electric shock wet hands, and a wet plug dont mix. Next press and hold the power button again, be careful to avoid getting an electric shock. If you have something like a pencil handy we suggest you use this to press the power button as it wont conduct electricity. If there are already flames obviously you need to raise the alarm! If you have a fire extinguisher designed to put out electrical fires, and know how to use it, you could attempt to put out the fire. But dont take any risks! And definitely dont pour more water on it Once the risk of fire has been addressed, you can work on saving your laptop... Follow these steps, and good luck! If your Mac doesnt work then unfortunately it is probably a lost cause. Hopefully you have a back up and wont have lost your data. If you need to buy a new Mac read this article for We also have advice on , and if you are looking for a bargain check out our

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