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How to Disable Breathe Reminders on Apple Watch

How to Disable Breathe Reminders on Apple Watch

The Apple Watch will periodically remind you to breathe with the Breathe app, which attempts to guide a user to take a series of deep breathes after it nudges you and tells you to take a minute to Breathe. This is much like the Apple Watch and move around, as the wrist watch attempts to nudge you into healthier behavior. The Breathe function is aimed at being mindful and the associated iPhone Health app tracks the breath data through the Mindfulness section of Health app data. But not everyone wants the breathe reminders on their Apple Watch, so if youre not turning purple from forgetting to inhale and exhale, then you can disable the breathe reminders on Apple Watch. This tutorial will walk through how to adjust the Apple Watch Breathe reminders in three different ways; turning off the Breathe reminders completely, snoozing them for a while, and also who to turn them off just for the day. First things first, you can quickly dismiss and postpone the Breathe reminder as it appears on your Apple Watch simply by tapping the Snooze button rather than the Start button. To completely disable Breathe reminders, do the following: You can also change the frequency of breathe reminders in the same setting section if youd rather have fewer or more reminders to breathe, rather than turning the feature off entirely. Another option is to mute Breathe reminders for the day, this will disable the feature for a day only and not turn the feature off completely: Whether you mute the Breathe feature for a day, simply snooze it for a while, or turn it off completely, is entirely up to you and how you use Apple Watch. The Breathe feature is just one of a variety of functions the Apple Watch offers for health maintenance, including and , along with workout tracking and other fitness related capabilities. But its not just the Apple Watch with health tracking functionality, as the too. Some users may find certain features more useful than others, so its good to customize these health and fitness tracking functions to suit your own needs.

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