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How to Watch YouTube Links in Safari on iPhone & iPad Instead of Opening YouTube App

How to Watch YouTube Links in Safari on iPhone & iPad Instead of Opening YouTube App

If you have an iPhone or iPad with the third party YouTube app installed, you may notice that when you click to open a YouTube link from Safari or elsewhere, youll discover he YouTube app opens to watch the video. This happens even if you want to watch the YouTube video on the YouTube website in Safari for iOS. There are a few workarounds to this situation, each of which will allow you to stay on the YouTube website in Safari, so if youre annoyed with the YouTube app launching (or trying to open the page in the app) when watching YouTube videos from an iOS device, read on to learn your options. If you recently installed the YouTube app, you might see a request when you visit a YouTUbe URL asking Open this page in YouTube? Just tap Cancel, then tap into the URL bar of Safari and hit the Go / Return button again. This should cause YouTube to stay within Safari and view the video. The next option is to modify the URL of the YouTube video you want to watch in Safari on iOS. This is a bit radical, but if youre frustrated by Safari constantly redirecting YouTube links to the YouTube app in iOS and cant deal with the prior workarounds, then simply deleting the YouTube app from iOS is a solution as well. By , YouTube videos will always load in Safari, since there will no longer be a YouTube app installed to launch on the iPhone or iPad. By the way, if youre using a much older version of iOS you can rely on the for similar effect, but its basically the same effect as deleting the app in modern iOS releases. Do you know of any other workarounds, solutions, or tricks to handle YouTube links in iOS? Let us know in the comments!

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