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Adware Zap 2.0.1 Clean browser cookies, caches and more

Adware Zap 2.0.1 Clean browser cookies, caches and more

& Privacy Cleaner restores your browser back to its full health by removing unwanted extensions, cookies, caches and resetting your browser preferences. Adware Zap is your choice if: : To fully restore your browser, all cookies, extensions and caches will be removed. By default, browser bookmarks and internet history are not removed, but in the App Settings you can customise what to remove. To continue to use extensions you previously installed and want to keep, you will need to reinstall them. Extensions often add useful features to browsers, but there are also many malicious extensions that can display pop-up advertisements, inject banner ads to every website you visit and collect your personal data. These extensions are often installed without the users consent by software that was downloaded from the internet. Version 2.0.1:


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