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Focus 1.8.11 Block distracting websites and apps like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter

Focus 1.8.11 Block distracting websites and apps like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter

steal back your productivity Do you ever get distracted on your computer? Facebook? Reddit? IM? These services are great, but getting stuff done can be hard when theyre one click away. When we want to get work done in the real world, its easy to block things out by closing the door, putting on some headphones or going to the coffee shop. But blocking out distractions on a computer is harder. We socialize and entertain ourselves on the same computers we work on and these interruptions can make it hard to get into a state of flow. Wouldnt it be great if there was a way to quickly create your ideal work environment? Focus is a menu app that lets you enter a zen-like work environment with 1-click Focus blocks distracting websites (like Facebook, Reddit and Hacker News) on all browsers with a motivational quote to get you back on track. Native apps like Twitter, Skype or Mail can be blocked as well. When a website is blocked, Focus displays a motivational quote to inspire you to start working again. Customize the message for your own goals to personalize your motivation. Schedule blocks of productivity during the day when you know you want to be productive. Use Focus as a pomodoro timer to work in blocks of time. Need and extra push? With Hardcore Mode, Focus cannot be undone until the time is up (even if you remove or uninstall the app). Enable Focus from the Terminal or other apps like Alfred. Run custom BASH commands on start and stop to build custom productivity workflows. Version 1.8.11:


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