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Mac OS X & macOS version code-names

Mac OS X & macOS version code-names

If you look back at previous iterations of and Mac OS X, a clear pattern emerges. With the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats, from Cheetah to Panther to . But while the public-facing builds were named after big cats, internally, they were named after wines (with the exception of OS X 10.6 and , both of which had no code-name). Even after Apple switched public-facing code-names to places in California back in 2013, it carried on naming them after wines internally until 2014. In 2015, Apple decided to change the theme of internal code-names from wines to types of apple. Original. Then, in 2016, Apple took the plunge to unify the branding of its operating systems by rebranding Mac OS X to macOS, which sits nicely alongside iOS, tvOS and watchOS. Below, you can find a complete list of OS X version code names, along with internal code names (if available).

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