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Turnover 1.6 Full-featured BPM tapper

Turnover 1.6 Full-featured BPM tapper

Turnover 1.6  Full-featured BPM tapper
Turnover 1.6  Full-featured BPM tapper

Turnover 1.6 Full-featured BPM tapper

Turnover 1.6  is the ultimate full-featured BPM tapper for the Mac. Work your way through your entire iTunes music library with astonishing speed, or tap out songs as they come up with minimal disruption to your workflow. Let Turnover help generate playlists in specific BPM ranges for fixed-tempo workouts, including 180 steps-per-minute playlists for efficient running. Version 1.6:

Turnover 1.6 Full-featured BPM tapper

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