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How to Enable Dark Mode on Twitter for iPhone and iPad

How to Enable Dark Mode on Twitter for iPhone and iPad

Twitter for iOS offers a Dark Mode setting that shifts the apps appearance to a darker color spectrum of grays, blues, and blacks, making it easier on the eyes at night or in dimmer lighting situations. Of course some users may just prefer the Twitter app appearance when in dark mode or night mode too, since it looks a bit more sleek on an iPhone or iPad. Whatever the reason, you can enable Dark Mode in Twitter app for iPhone and iPad rather easily. Youll obviously need to have Twitter and be a twitter user for this to be relevant, if youre not one or dont intend to be, then this will not apply to you. But for those who do use Twitter to follow the latest tweets, read on. Night Mode enables immediately and the entire app color spectrum basically inverts from a bright whites and grays to dark grays, blues, and blacks. The visual difference is notable, and its certainly more pleasant on the eyes in dim lighting situations. Increasingly, many apps are allowing a Dark Mode or a Night Mode, and by no means is Twitter alone. , (and ), , iOS sort of has one with Smart Invert, and though it only applies to menu bars and the Dock and does not turn the overall windowing UI darker. If you like apps having a darker appearance, these are all good options to explore and potentially enable, in addition to using features like and , which also make nighttime and limited lighting screen viewing a bit easier on the eyes too. So, if youre a Twitter user, then try out Night Mode, you might like it! And dont forget to too!

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