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How to Speed Up Apple Watch Software Updates

How to Speed Up Apple Watch Software Updates

If you own an Apple Watch youre probably already familiar with the relatively slow process of . Some simple updates may install in a reasonable amount of time, but some of the larger watchOS updates can take an hour or much more. As a result, many Apple Watch owners will either postpone software updates indefinitely or install software updates to watchOS overnight, or when they know they wont need their watch anytime soon. But theres another option, and you can actually speed up the watchOS software update process quite a bit by using a little trick. This is a fairly simple trick, and it involves simply turning off Bluetooth on your iPhone, which in turn forces your Apple Watch to download the watchOS software update over wi-fi (remember, your iPhone is paired via Bluetooth with the Apple Watch). Heres how it works: Before beginning, make sure the iPhone and Apple Watch are joined on a wi-fi connection, and that the Apple Watch is on the charger, and with at least 50% battery. Then youre ready to try this out: Essentially youre forcing the iPhone and Apple Watch to use the speedier wi-fi connection to transfer the watchOS package between devices, rather than the much slower Bluetooth. Note you cant just toggle Bluetooth in the Control Center because of , which just disconnect devices rather than turning off the service thats why you have to go to the Settings app to turn off Bluetooth on the iPhone. This nifty trick comes our way from , so cheers to them for the helpful tip. Lets hope a future version of watchOS or the Apple Watch iPhone app allows users to install updates through wi-fi directly without this workaround, but until (or if ever) that happens, you can simply toggle Bluetooth off on the iPhone and youll find the updating process is much quicker. Did this work for you to speed up your Apple Watch software update process? Do you have any other tricks to expedite watchOS updating and downloading? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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